Apple Cobblestone Pie

So, since we had (and still have) what seems to be an infinite quantity of apples at our disposal, they just had to be cooked...or baked. The variety of ways that an apple can be prepared are more than we can count and since we don't really want to stay by the stove and cook 300 different dishes containing apples, baking is our preferred choice.

Aside from the simple crumble pie (on which Mårten is a master of), is one easy pastry to make, called Apple Cake. This is much more similar to a sponge cake, but less dry.

Ingredients for The Batter.

4 dl Sugar
4 Eggs
5 1/2 dl Flour
3 tsp Vanilla Sugar
4 tsp Baking Powder
100gr Melted Butter
2 dl Milk

Ingredients for The Dry Mixture.

1 dl Sugar
2 tbs Cinnamon
1 tsp Vanilla Sugar
5-6 Apples
Pearl Sugar

Directions for The Dry Mixture.

Start with melting the butter and let it cool down.

Peel and cut the apples.
Combine all ingredients for the dry mixture and roll the sliced apples on it, set aside.

Directions for The Batter.

Whisk eggs and sugar until fluffy, then add milk.
Mix flour, vanilla sugar, and baking powder in a separate bowl and then add together with the eggs, sugar, and milk.
Whisk everything until the batter is completely smooth.
Finally, add the butter and mix again.

Preparation For The Oven.

Pour in a pan of your own choice, but preferably 30x40 cm in size since this cake will swell.
Push the apples down onto the batter, and sprinkle pearl sugar to finish it off.

Bake for 25 minutes  at 200 degrees Celsius.

You can place your apples in different patterns like what we tried to do (hence the cobblestone title). This cake will rise once baked, so keep that in mind when designing it.

This recipe is originally from here.
